STYLE GUIDE | How to dress at Easter
Holy Week is a very marked festivity in our land. The streets are filled with people and a unique atmosphere is breathed. From Cherubina we want to give you some tips on the traditional protocol and some tips to dress "properly" these days if you decide to enjoy the festivity walking the streets of the city.
Regarding the dress protocol, there are three key days: Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday. For these days, it is important to follow the protocol and show respect. Midi dresses, blouses with special details, long pants and our star item...jackets! Because yes, at this time of year sometimes you don't know what to wear, sometimes it's cold and other times it's hot. That's why our jackets are perfect; they fix any look and also serve to shelter.
The arrival of Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week , therefore, the protocol for that day is formal and colorful garments , without being garish , are the protagonists. Here are some ideal options that we have selected from our new Spring/Summer collection.
(From top to bottom, see Kate jacket in cream here ; Pia dress here )
On Monday, Tuesday and Holy Wednesday there is a little more flexibility in terms of the dress protocol, although the use of colors in light tones is still in line. These are our recommendations with which, in addition to going appropriately this Easter, you will be setting trends.
(From left to right: see Kate jacket in cream here ; provence blouse here , see Liu jacket here ; see Naromi pants here )
With the arrival of Holy Thursday , the protocol changes. Thursday and Good Friday are days of mourning, so black and dark tones must be present in the looks that are going to be chosen.
(See Kate jacket here ; see Bush pants here )
For those of you who want to follow the tradition to the letter, on those days it is common for women to dress in mantillas , something that has been done for centuries to show mourning and respect. As it could not be otherwise, in this case a protocol must also be followed.
How to dress correctly as a mantilla? To begin with, the black dress must be completely smooth. As for the length, it must be at least knee-length, with long or French sleeves and a crew neck. Stockings must also be black and plain. And as for shoes, the appropriate one and the one that should be used is of the salon type.
It is important not to forget the accessories, with which it is commonly more common to "screw up". In the first place, if you do not wear the brotherhood medal, discreet necklaces are the best option. For example, a pearl necklace or a chain with a discreet cross. The fundamental point to wear a mantilla is the mantilla itself, which should not exceed the length of the dress. The use of short black gloves without lace is recommended. As for makeup for this occasion, it should be as natural as possible.
These are our recommendations to dress for Easter 2023, but don't miss the other options on the Cherubina website that follow our advice! Discover them and follow us to stay up to date on the dress protocol at different events!