Cherubina & Friends | Today we talk to Espigas de Trigo
Marta Domínguez, graduated in ADE and with 7 years of experience in the HR sector, launched herself in the midst of a pandemic to design all the textiles for her home, giving rise to Espigas de Trigo. A firm that with only one year of life is revolutionizing the Home sector and attracting a wide audience thanks to its design, quality and above all, practicality.
Q: It's only been a year since you started this project. What motivated you to start? How do ears of wheat arise?
A: It all came from planning my wedding and decorating my house. My mother gave me old textiles but I wanted to have more colorful and current models in my home. When the pandemic hit, I thought it would be interesting to create a color-coded collection, with which guests and families could easily identify their placemat and napkin.
Q: How have you felt this first year as an entrepreneur? What have you enjoyed the most?
A: I have felt very fulfilled and proud of having been able to develop a project that began as something personal. Through the great demand, first by friends and family, and later thanks to social networks, Espigas de Trigo It has become, in just one year, a reality. We have a website, we have been published in different magazines and we sell in stores nationwide. We have achieved something that I didn't think was possible when I was creating a collection for myself.
I also believe that we have reached a public that demanded this type of product and could not find it on the market. They were looking for something that would stand out from the standard in the home textiles market. Exclusive products with a different design.
Q: Your biggest source of inspiration?
A: My biggest source of inspiration is nature. I pay attention to the color combinations that I see in the flowers and in the fruits, and when I do a shooting I always tend to include both. I think they bring that fresh and natural air. And they are also very related to the moment of decorating a table or meeting to enjoy a meal.
Q: Any advice for new entrepreneurs?
A: Above all, believe in yourself. Be sure of what you do and put a lot of desire into your project. There will be very high moments and other low ones, but with enthusiasm, enthusiasm and the certainty that your product or service will succeed, in the end you achieve it.
Q: Would you give us a Top 3 Ears of Wheat gift ideas?
A: We recently added gift cards as well. Many brides are using them to order their custom tablecloth and create their own trousseau.